Personal Injury

Our attorney Edward T. McAfee has close to 18 years of legal experience and has handled just about every kind of injury case you can imagine. Edward was involved in a serious car wreck at the end of 2019 that was no fault of his own, and caused him significant injury. Having recently been involved in his own injury case, Edward is poised to help you, and your family push through your injury and case to receive justice.

About Our Firm

Personal Injury

Helping Injured Victims Get Compensation For Serious Injuries Throughout Georgia

Personal injury claims are an extremely varied category of civil claims — whether you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident, or even an airplane accident, each cause of action is in some manner connected to the personal injuries you sustained as a direct result of another’s negligent, reckless, or intentional acts and omissions.

Serious injuries can alter the very fabric of your life, from your career to daily activities, to recreational activities and relationships. Long hours may be spent in clinics and hospitals, being diagnosed, treated, in the operating room, and rehabilitated. The pain and suffering you are forced to endure may also change you — some clients may report feeling emotionally hardened, angry, and even resentful of the circumstances which they find themselves in.

Though a financial award cannot return lost time, or rid you of your emotional and physical scars, obtaining fair compensation for your injuries is a step in the right direct to ensure a fuller recovery. To setup, a free consultation with trial attorney Edward T. McAfee, fill out the contact form below or contact our offices at 404-761-5195.

How the Personal Injury Case Begins

Your personal injury case begins from the moment you are injured. Though it may not seem like it, the intake process is critical to the case. You are being evaluated by witnesses, the police who are recording your statements, and the doctors who are treating your injuries. At the same time, the defendant’s insurance company has started to put together their case. They have a team of professional adjusters who will scrutinize the evidence and gather as much information about you as possible. After enough information gathering, they will turn the evidence over to their lawyers, whose job is to defend the case on behalf of the insurance company and their insured.

Helpful Personal Injury Pointers

  • You are the most important piece of evidence in your case. Remember, first impressions last a lifetime, so be respectful and polite to law enforcement, ambulatory care, and other first responders. Cooperate with doctors and therapists who are working hard to help you recover. These folks may be called in to support your claims at some point, so keep that in mind.
  • Insurance companies are a business and businesses exist to make money. The less they compensate a victim, the more money they get to keep. They are not your ally. Every move they make is intended to minimize their potential liabilities.
  • Keep accurate records. This includes the names and addresses of all doctors, therapists, and hospitals you are treated in, witnesses you speak to, and other relevant parties. Be sure to make periodic journal updates about your condition as well. For example, if you cannot make your child’s recital because you had to have surgery, write it down in case you are asked about it later.
  • Be a model patient. Try to attend every medical appointment, every physical therapy session, and follow all reasonable advice you are given by your doctors. The defense will be keeping track and could possibly defend your claim on the basis that you are a “non-compliant patient.”
  • Time is valuable. Within personal injury cases there is evidence that can vanish over time, that process is called spoliation. We recommend for our clients to keep a record of elements related to their individual case. These records can include a journal to track emotions, physical pain levels, photos and videos to help document progress. In many cases family members can help the injured with documentation in order to ensure no evidence is lost over the course of the case.

Contact Trial Attorney Edward T. McAfee

If you have suffered personal injuries as the direct result of someone else’s negligent acts (or failure to act), then you may be entitled to financial compensation. As such, you should contact a qualified injury attorney as soon as possible.

“Growing up I was shown the value of law and was taught the definition of justice.  If you have been injured through no fault of your own, allow me to become your advocate for justice.”

Edward T. McAfee

Trial Attorney

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  • Edward T. McAfee Has Been In Your Shoes

Concrete Beam Falls From Bridge

On a seemingly normal day, my life was thrown into chaos. I felt the physical pain, financial stress and confusion. I will stand by your side and guide you through your case, to help you obtain maximum compensation.

Learn More About My Wreck

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Edward T. McAfee

Trial Attorney

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Unlike most law firms, we are selective in the cases and clients we work with. We will work with you to determine your best course of action.

“I knew our clients were facing adversity with their cases, but it was not until I experienced my wreck that the severity of how a personal injury case can effect your overall quality of life.”

Edward T. McAfee

Trial Attorney

Edward T. McAfee


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